
發(fā)布時間:2022-03-03      截稿時間:2022-03-31      閱讀量:15324次     
  武漢/WU HAN
  In order to implement the National“14th Five-Year Plan”for Cultural Industry Development,play the leading role of fashion art in the development of cultural industry,stimulate cultural creativity,meet the diverse and high-quality cultural needs of the people,and fully display the outstanding achievements of art and design in colleges and universities in Central China to improve the quality of talent training,Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles,Hubei Provincial Artists Association,Wuhan Promotion Center for City of Design and Hubei Institute of Fine Arts(hereinafter referred to as HIFA)have decided to organize the collection of works for the 2022 Wuhan Fashion Art Festival(hereinafter referred to as WFAF)Fashion and Art Exhibition.The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:
  Exhibition Profile
  The 2022 WFAF is sponsored by the Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles,Hubei Provincial Artists Association,HIFA,Wuhan Promotion Center for City of Design,and organized by the Art Museum of HIFA,Hubei Provincial IFA Fashion Art Research Center,School of Fashion Art and School of Visual Art and Design.It invites domestic and foreign artists,cutting-edge designers,faculty members and students,and fashion brands to join in to create a new symbol for fashion art education and fashion culture industry along the Yangtze River main axis,and to give full play to Wuhan’s role as an innovation center in the Yangtze River Cultural Industry Belt.Led by Hubei Institute of Fine Arts to establish an organizing committee,members of the Association of Universities and Colleges of Fashion and Art will serve as co-organizers to be responsible for the specific organization of various exhibitions.The exhibition will be held offline(the exhibition format will be finally determined according to the situation of the epidemic)to highlight the creation of fashion art works with the theme of“Future World”,involving multiple fields of wearable art and fashion illustration,depict the new urban image of virtual reality interaction design in the“meta-universe”,and demonstrate the retrospect and prospect of urban life.
  The 2022 WFAF is not only a review of the image of Wuhan in the past,but also a prospect for beautiful life of Wuhan in the future.It takes intention development as the main axis to seek multiple perspectives of Wuhan city and fashion art.In line with the general objective of“Centre of Yangtze River,Fashion Valley–City Future”,WFAF takes“Urban Aesthetic Education”as its purpose and seeks to promote the fashion art cultural exchanges,brand upgrades and value sharing activities and to create a new ecology for the integration and development of fashion art and cultural industries,with an emphasis on the cultural development concept of“pioneering,energetic,inheritance and green”.In addition,as a platform for the exchange and display of university teaching achievements,the 2022 WFAF not only implements the mechanism of integration of production,teaching and research,but also promotes cross-collaboration between disciplines,so as to gather diversified fashion resources and accumulate new momentum for industrial development,thus improve the quality of urban life while promoting the transformation of university teaching results.
  Sponsored by
  湖北省文學(xué)藝術(shù)界聯(lián)合會Hubei Provincial Federation of Literary and Art Circles湖北省美術(shù)家協(xié)會Hubei Provincial Artists Association湖北美術(shù)學(xué)院Hubei Institute of Fine Arts武漢設(shè)計之都促進(jìn)中心Wuhan Promotion Center for City of Design
  Time and place of exhibition
  展覽時間:2022年4月—5月Exhibition time:April-May 2022展覽地點(diǎn):湖北美術(shù)學(xué)院美術(shù)館Exhibition venue:Hubei Institute of Fine Arts Art Museum
  Theme of works
  主題:“新·元——回望&暢想”Topic:“New·Meta--Retrospect and Prospect”
  主題詮釋:Theme profile:當(dāng)人類在2021年開啟了“元宇宙”,2022年注定會迎來數(shù)字化大浪潮。這不僅能加速后疫情時代經(jīng)濟(jì)的復(fù)蘇,而且將顛覆人類的生產(chǎn)和生活方式?!霸奔缺硎居钪娴拈_端,也意味著數(shù)學(xué)的變量,因而有著化生萬物的本源意義。在“元宇宙”的語境下,城市置于虛擬與現(xiàn)實之間,人類獲得超越自身的經(jīng)驗,在不同的時空以各種形象相互交往。受到這一概念的啟發(fā),我們回望城市的過去,暢想城市的未來,在可穿戴的藝術(shù)中搭建新的城市場景。
  When human beings started the“Metaverse”in 2021,2022 is destined to usher in a big wave of digitalization.This will not only accelerate the economic recovery in the post-epidemic era,but also subvert the way of human production and life.“Meta”not only represents the beginning of the universe,but also means the variables of mathematics,thus it has the original meaning of transforming and producing all things.In the context of the“Metaverse”,the city is placed between the virtual and the real,and human beings acquire experiences beyond their own and interact with each other in various images in different time and space.Inspired by this concept,we look back to the city’s past and imagine its future,creating new urban scenes in wearable art.
  With“Meta-NO.1/360°”,“Meta-NO.2/180°”and“Meta-NO.3/90°”,the exhibition presents a new experience of urban life from different angles of“Meta”,creating a parallel universe of art one after another.
  About the Work
  2022武漢時尚藝術(shù)季時尚藝術(shù)展以可穿戴藝術(shù)為主線,包含服飾藝術(shù)、時尚插畫藝術(shù)、纖維藝術(shù)、時尚影像藝術(shù)、實驗藝術(shù)等載體形式。The 2022 WFAF Fashion and Art Exhibition takes wearable art as the main line,including clothing art,fashion illustration art,fiber art,fashion video art,experimental art and other carrier forms.
  參展作品應(yīng)符合2022武漢時尚藝術(shù)季主題,為原創(chuàng)作品,具有創(chuàng)新性,并有一定的藝術(shù)與設(shè)計水準(zhǔn)和內(nèi)涵。The exhibited works should conform to the theme of the 2022 WFAF.They should be original,innovative and have certain connotation of art and design.
  可穿服飾作品同一作者投稿不超過2件(套),時尚插畫藝術(shù)作品高度不超過1.5米,纖維藝術(shù)作品、實驗藝術(shù)作品展示空間高度不超過4米,參展作品最大規(guī)格不宜超過6平方米(個別大體量創(chuàng)作可與組委會另行溝通以便安排),時尚影像藝術(shù)作品視頻文件畫面要求:分辨率統(tǒng)一為1920*1080,MOV(QuickTime)格式、MP4格式或AVI格式。No more than 2 pieces(sets)could be submitted by the same participant for wearable clothing works.The height of fashion illustration art works shall not exceed 1.5 meters(59 inches),the height of the exhibition space of fiber art works and experimental art works shall not exceed 4 meters(157.48 inches),and the maximum size of the exhibited works shall not exceed 6 Square meters(for individual large-scale works,please communicate with the organizing Committee separately for arrangement),and the video file screen requirements of fashion image and art works:unified resolution of 1920*1080,MOV(QuickTime)format,MP4 format or AVI format.
  Selection Method
  2022武漢時尚藝術(shù)季組委會將組織國內(nèi)外知名學(xué)者、設(shè)計師為武漢時尚藝術(shù)季時尚藝術(shù)展選出文藝傳承獎、藝術(shù)創(chuàng)作獎、設(shè)計概念獎、設(shè)計新銳獎一等獎1名、二等獎3名、三等獎6名、FACE-FUTURE全場時尚藝術(shù)大獎2名及入選若干名。The 2022 WFAF Organizing Committee will organize well-known scholars and designers at home and abroad to select 1 first prize,3 second prizes and 6 third prizes for Literary and Art Inheritance Award,Art Creation Award,Design Concept Award,New Design Award respectively,2 FACE-FUTURE Fashion Art Awards and several finalists for the WFAF Fashion and Art Exhibition.
  Delivery Method
  本屆展覽采用先報送作品照片參加初評,待作品入圍后,再送原作參加現(xiàn)場展覽的方式進(jìn)行。This exhibition adopts the method of submitting the photos of the works to participate in the preliminary evaluation,and then sending the original works to participate in the on-site exhibition after the works are shortlisted.
  報名作品需提交報名登記表及作品照片各一份,服飾藝術(shù)、纖維藝術(shù)作品、實驗藝術(shù)作品需提供作品照片為成品實物圖,作品附加提供視頻文件,作品照片至少提供作品正面、側(cè)面和背面等3個角度的圖片,照片不能少于3張,圖片尺寸為7寸;時尚影像藝術(shù)作品視頻以U盤方式交件(不接受光盤);時尚插畫作品照片尺寸為7寸以上,效果應(yīng)盡量接近原作。照片背面需粘貼《2022武漢時尚藝術(shù)季時尚藝術(shù)展報名表》(附表1),于2022年3月25日前報送至本屆展覽組委會辦公室;同時發(fā)送可用于印刷的作品電子文件至組委會郵箱,格式為tif或jpg,3mb以上,精度不低于300dpi。The registration form and a photo of the work are required to be submitted first.The photo of the work of clothing art,fiber art,and experimental art should be physical image of finished products,along with which a video file should also be attached.The photo of the work should be taken at least from three angles,namely,the front,side and back of the work,and there should be no less than 3 photos for each work,while the size of the picture should be up to 7 inches;the video of fashion image art work should be submitted in the form of U disc(CD-ROM is not acceptable);the photo size of fashion illustration work should be more than 7 inches,the effect of which should be as close to the original as possible.The“2022 WFAF Fashion and Art Exhibition Registration Form”(see Appendix I)should be pasted on the back of the photo and submitted together to the Organizing Committee office before March 25,2022.At the same time,electronic files of the works that can be used for printing ought to be sent to the organizing committee’s mailbox in tif or jpg format,3mb or more in size,and the accuracy should be no less than 300dpi.
  報送作品原作時,需填寫《2022武漢時尚藝術(shù)季時尚藝術(shù)展作品登記表》(附表2)。參展作品請寄送至指定地點(diǎn),往返費(fèi)用由參展人自行承擔(dān),或自行送取。When submitting the original work,it is necessary to fill in the“2022 WFAF Fashion and Art Exhibition Registration Form of Exhibition Works”(see Appendix II).Please send the exhibited works to the designated place,and the round-trip cost shall be borne by the exhibitor himself or herself.Alternatively,you could send and pick up it by yourself.
  SelExhibition and Works Release
  本屆展覽參展作品將于2022年4月在湖北美術(shù)學(xué)院美術(shù)館展出。所有參展作品在展覽結(jié)束后退還。The works in this exhibition will be exhibited at the Art Museum of HIFA in April 2022.All exhibited works will be returned after the exhibition.
  主辦單位有權(quán)使用獲獎作品用于非商業(yè)用途,并向相關(guān)的報刊和網(wǎng)站推薦。The organizer has the right to use the award-winning works for non-commercial purposes and recommend them to relevant newspapers,magazines and websites.
  Organizing Committee
  地址:湖北省武漢市江夏區(qū)藏龍島科技園栗廟路湖北美術(shù)學(xué)院A7教學(xué)樓時尚藝術(shù)學(xué)院Address:School of Fashion Art,A7 Teaching Building,Hubei Institute of Fine Arts,Limiao Road,Canglong Island Science and Technology Park,Jiangxia District,Wuhan City,Hubei Province.
  郵編:430205Post Code:430205
  郵箱:823278306 qq.comE-mail:823278306 qq.com
  聯(lián)系方式:王辰雨18507182416Contact:WangChenYu(Tel:+86 18507182416)
  2022武漢時尚藝術(shù)季時尚藝術(shù)展概念海報:EXHIBITION Concept poster of fashion art exhibition in 2022 Wuhan fashion art season